Formats memory cards using an optimized algorithm. Works with SD, SDHC and SDXC cards, but can't format the "safe area" of the devices.
The SD Formatter is, as its name states, software used for formatting memory cards.
It can be used with SD memory cards, SDHC memory cards and SDXC memory cards as well.
The SD Formatter does not format the "Protected Area" which exists on all SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards, therefore it is recommended to use the correct application or other SD-compatible devices if you want to format the "Protected Area" of the memory card as well.
The software is available in two versions, one for Windows and the other for Mac.
In order to access SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards you should know that you need the following: SD slot on computer, USB SD reader and a PC Card, CardBus or ExpressCard SD adapter. Anyway, you are also always required to confirm whether the device is compatible with the SD, SDHC or SDXC memory card before performing the formatting.
All in all, although it is not an impressive piece of software, SD Formatter does its job right and it is very easy to use, and is recommended it for both beginners and computer literate users.
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